New Jersey Skyline_pexels-jdominici-286076
February 27, 2025 zacherlaw 0 Comments

Governor Murphy of the State of New Jersey has recently signed a law (  which is probably the most far reaching and commendable piece of legislation dealing with the prevention of Legionnaire’s disease in the United States at this time. A major element of this proactive approach requires the New Jersey Department of Health to conduct an investigation of where someone has contracted the disease even for sporadic (not part of an outbreak) cases. This willingness to investigate even one case is a major change from the way investigations are currently conducted around the county by other state health departments.…

Legionella Pneumophila Bacteria. 3D illustration
February 7, 2025 zacherlaw 0 Comments

According to the Vermont Department of Health, an outbreak of Legionnaires disease is being investigated at the Village at Cedar Hill, part of the Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community in Windsor, Vermont. As of January 29, 2025, six cases have been confirmed, with one resulting in death. Understanding Legionnaires Disease Legionnaires disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. Symptoms typically appear within 2 to 14 days after exposure and include: Cough Fever Headaches Muscle aches Shortness of breath Confusion Diarrhea or nausea The disease is treatable with antibiotics, but certain groups are at higher…

CDC Headquarters
February 4, 2025 zacherlaw 0 Comments

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2024, was a bad month for the cruise industry. There were numerous outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease on different cruise ships. These outbreaks point out the need for strict water maintenance, e.g. draining water from hot tubs between uses, removing heating elements, and increasing cleaning and disinfection of the hot tubs, on these ships. Understanding Legionnaires’ Disease Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The bacteria thrive in warm, stagnant water environments and are commonly transmitted through inhalation of contaminated water droplets. Symptoms include…

August 28, 2023 zacherlaw 0 Comments

Two people who stayed at the Caesars Palace Hotel and Casino were recently diagnosed with Legionnaires’ disease, as was also a former guest of the Orleans Hotel and Casino, according to the Southern Nevada Health District. Earlier this year, 2 Legionnaires disease cases were reported among guests at the Orleans , prompting an investigation.  According to news reports, the Orleans’ water system was remediated and tested for the presence of the legionella bacteria, showing that there was no bacteria being detected at the time. Even so, after the additional recent new case was reported at the Orleans, environmental samples tested…

June 27, 2023 zacherlaw 0 Comments

According to news reports, the Legionella bacteria has been found in the KetteringFairmount High School Field House in Montgomery County Ohio. The testing forLegionella at the Field House was done after 36 athletes became ill. These athleteswere tested and the results are not yet available. June 13, 2023 was the lastreported case of Legionnaires’ disease in the county. There has been a total of 12cases reported across the county in 2023..

Luxury hot tub
May 18, 2023 zacherlaw 0 Comments

An LA Fitness site in Niles, Illinois has been linked to two cases of Legionnaires’ disease according to the Illinois Department of Health. Again, according to the Illinois Department of Health, the Legionella bacteria had been found in the hot tub at the LA Fitness location. According to one user of the gym, many of the members are over 50 years of age. These members are more susceptible to acquiring the disease. If you would like more information about Legionnaires Disease click here. If you suspect you may have contracted or have been diagnosed with Legionnaires’ Disease,  Contact Attorney Jules…

legionnaires disease in Las Vegas
March 5, 2023 zacherlaw 0 Comments

According to news reports, the Southern Nevada Health District is investigating two cases of Legionnaires’ disease at a hotel in Las Vegas. The guests stayed there in ecember 2022 and January 2023. Legionella bacteria was found at the Clarion Hotel again according to the news report. It appears that the legionella was found in the potable water system. This office has previously represented numerous guests who had stayed at the Aria Hotel in Las Vegas and acquired Legionnaires’ disease as part of an outbreak. These victims also acquired their disease from the potable water system. The transmission of the disease…

Legionnaires’ Disease nursing home
March 4, 2023 zacherlaw 0 Comments

Multiple Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease at a South Carolina Nursing HomeAccording to a news report, the South Carolina Department of Health isinvestigating a nursing home in Fairfield County, South Carolina for multiple casesof Legionnaires’ disease. According to another news report, the same nursinghome had been fined over $16,000.00 and had 3 infection-related deficiencies,prior to the investigation by the South Carolina Department of Health. South Carolina Nursing Home Update: The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Services hastested the well water at the Ridgeway Manor Healthcare Center in Ridgeway,South Carolina, which came back negative, according to a TV news report.…

January 7, 2023 zacherlaw 0 Comments

Health authorities have identified two residents of a senior apartment building who have contracted Legionnaires’’ in Duluth. There is concern among the residents that a proper investigation has not been done by the health department. More later.

Natl Healthcare 2022 Report
December 16, 2022 zacherlaw 0 Comments

A new US government report prepared by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality stated that 250,000 patients a year are misdiagnosed in emergency rooms. Some of these misdiagnoses includes failure to identify pneumonia. Legionnaires’ disease is a form of pneumonia. While failure to properly diagnose Legionnaires’ disease may lead to inappropriate care in the hospital, various other issues from the incorrect diagnosis of Legionnaires’ disease.             Legionnaires’ disease is perhaps one of the most under-reported diseases in this country. According to the CDC, there are approximately 25,000 cases of the disease per year. The actual number could be much…