Following two confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease from guests staying at the Hilton Grand Vacations in Waikiki in June 2021 and another confirmed case on March 6 or 7, 2022, the Hawai’i Department of Health has now confirmed an additional fourth case. The fourth case was diagnosed on April 26. The individual, a non-Hawai’i resident, stayed at the Grand Islander from April 16-18, 2022. “Legionnaires’ disease can potentially have severe consequences, and we encourage anyone who developed symptoms following a stay at the Grand Islander to contact a physician and DOH,” said Hawai’i State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble. The investigation is ongoing. To read more about DOH Continues Investigation of Hawai’i Hotel after Fourth Confirmed Case, click here. To read our firm’s white paper on Legionnaires’ disease and COVID-19, click here. For more information on Legionnaires’ disease, check out the National Academies of Sciences Management of Legionella in Water Systems Report here. Contact Jules Zacher for a 100% free consultation today. THE MATERIALS ON THIS WEBSITE HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY JULES ZACHER, P.C. FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT LEGAL ADVICE OR A SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL COUNSEL.