Two adults who used a community pool and spa in Foothill Ranch, California were hospitalized with Legionnaires’ disease over the past two months. The pool and spa were closed on May 12, 2017, and Orange County Health Officials have reported that water testing results are pending to determine whether or not the community pool/spa was the source of the Legionella bacteria that caused these two individuals to become ill. The Orange County Health Care Agency said in a letter on May 12, 2017, that legionellosis occurs when people breathe in mist or vapor that has been contaminated with the Legionella bacteria. Symptoms typically develop within 2-10 days of exposure to the bacteria, and can include high fever, chills, cough. muscle aches, and headaches. The results of the water testing performed can take up to two weeks. The facility advised that if the results should turn up positive for Legionella, they will continue to retest the water until negative results are achieved. The pool and spa remain closed pending these testing results, and Foothill Ranch Maintenance Corporation hopes the facility will be reopened by Memorial Day weekend. More information is available here.
Foothill Ranch Pool/Spa Closure Due to Two Cases of Legionnaires’ Disease was last modified: May 18th, 2017 by