As recently reported on our blog, there is an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in Harlem, NY. Additionally, dozens are sick after they were exposed this month at Duke University’s fantasy basketball camp. All over the country, cases of Legionnaires’ disease appear to be on the rise. Michigan noted an alarming statistic in July of an increase of 569% from July 2020. This is a huge spike in reported Legionnaires’ disease cases, with over 100 cases being reported in Michigan in the first half of July alone. [1] Many individuals are returning to buildings like schools and offices that have been unused for an extended period of time due to COVID-19. With this return, concern among public health officials over Legionnaires’ disease grows. Stagnant water, like that in buildings that have been closed for extended periods, provides an ideal environment for Legionella growth. The United States Centers for Disease Control published a list of 8 steps business and building owners should take to minimize Legionella risk before reopening. They include: Taking such steps helps keep the occupants of buildings safe, as well as prevent the spread of Legionnaires’ disease. As outbreaks continue to occur, building owners should be sure to take the steps outlined by the CDC. Click here for a free consultation with Jules Zacher. For more information on Legionnaires’ disease, check out the National Academies of Sciences Management of Legionella in Water Systems Report Here. THE MATERIALS ON THIS WEBSITE HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY JULES ZACHER, P.C. FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT LEGAL ADVICE OR A SUBSTITUTE FOR LEGAL COUNSEL. [1] Source.